Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week 4 - Timing & Spacing

Last week we wrapped up week 4 which involved not one, but... TWO balls!!!

One ball had to be light while the other had to read heavy. I went for something along the lines of a tennis ball/bowling ball mix up. I definitely am trying to push myself with the assignments, so I knew I wanted some sort of interaction between them even though the assignment didn't necessarily call for that. Here is the planning on paper before I jumped into Maya to animate:

The resulting animation:

lightheavyball from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

I got the idea for the back spin and resulting bounce while looking up video reference for balls bouncing off walls. I hadn't originally planned for back spin but thought it would add another pleasantly unexpected element. It was interesting to put theory into practice and see how the use of proper timing and spacing between frames can make 2 similar objects appear to have very different properties. Thanks to my peer buddy who gave me great tips on how to make it look believable.

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