Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rounding up Week 3

Week 3 is done and dusted. Things are going pretty swell so far. It is really amazing to me how helpful everyone on and off campus has been. I've never felt this kind of camaraderie before in my education, nor have I ever been this excited to actually learn. I just want to soak in the knowledge of my talented peers, mentors and all the extra learning material. I wish my entire past education had been this engaging.

First off here is the final 'excitement' Stu pose:

He hasn't changed much from the work in progress I uploaded last week. After some critiques I pushed his knee forward to get that sense of forward pressure and rotated his fists so they didn't appear orthogonal. One lesson from this week: Always good to be able to see some perspective of the figure throughout, rather than having them appear 2D and flat to the screen.

Next up, our first animation assignment for the quarter. The good ol' bouncing ball. For those wondering 'Why are you paying thousands of dollars to learn how to animate balls?', here is a handy TED-Ed talk that summarises the necessary animation principles that are spacing and timing:

So with all that out of the way. Ball bounce #1:

ball bounce 01 from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

Ray seemed pleased with it. Just need to do a revision of it with more of a roll back before it settles.

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