Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 3 - Excitement

Week 3's assignments will involve our first ball bounce, but I'll start it off with a pose. This week's pose is based around the theme 'excitement'. Funnily enough google imaging for 'excitement'/'excitement pose' results in many previous AM student's work. Needless to say, it was pretty damn hard to think up original/unique poses that hadn't been done before. This week I'm trying to simplify my thumb-nailing style to get my ideas on paper quickly. Both mentor and myself noted that last week's sketches probably took more effort than they were worth.

For now, I've chosen the bottom right pose. I wanted to tackle the theme without resorting to a gleeful fist-airborne fist pump. Here's a first attempt at it (no doubt will need tweaking):

Here is a previous attempt at another pose, which I may choose instead. It feels more 'exciting' I 'spose but I do like the above pose's clear line of action better.

I shall put it to a vote I think!

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