Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Final 10%

Here are the final results for term 2 (without them being properly rendered, which I'll probably get on to later!):

an02 anim 003 FINAL from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

dog walk final 001 from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

Vanilla Walk Final hiRes from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

And that wraps up term 2! These 12 week terms really fly by. Looking back, I'm surprised to find that in my opinion, the dog walk turned out the best of all the assignments. Considering bipeds are supposed to be easier to animate and I'm not much of a dog person, I guess that's something to be proud of!

I'll be deferring this term for numerous reasons and will pick up the next class (AN03) in September. In the mean time, I plan on doing a few more game writing pieces while still practicing animation. I'll still be hanging around the campus, helping out other students. I think the break will be good to consolidate what I've learnt, plus it'll allow me to actually enjoy the great games that have come out recently. Stay tuned!

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