Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week 2 - Full Body Walks... Part Deux!

This week we started our first full body walk cycle! (Well, 'tis my first at least). I wanted to really make sure I did enough planning this time around so I wasn't second guessing myself during blocking. Despite this being the final planning, after I scanned them in I realised I STILL could have added way way more info. You don't realise what you're missing sometimes until you're in the midst of it.

Kristen was kind enough to my my video reference :)

The following is the planning based off video reference.

Now... I got carried away with the blocking and over stepped (no pun intended animation folk!) the 'stepped' keys. In the end I ended up keying almost every frame despite that being something I shouldn't have done. I guess it was more desperation since I knew I'd have very little time to polish the walk in Week 3.

vanilla walk blocking b from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

The arms are hitchy and the knees are popping. I haven't touched the head or hair either. These features fixed and more next week!

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