Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 4 - Nuts & Bolts of Quadruped Walks

4 Legs is 2 legs too many! Getting my head around the 'Sloan' dog rig took awhile. He's much like the other rigs we've played with so far in terms of how his proportions are rather odd. Stubby body, mega long and fat neck. I really wanted to do a neck scratch/behind the ear pose, but putting all his upper body neck weight on that tiny dog butt proved too difficult.

Drawing quadrupeds is harder too, I find if the dog's hair is too shaggy in the reference photo I can't use it. My anatomy knowledge isn't good enough to be able to accurately comprehend what is going on beneath all that hair. Having drawn many humans before it's easy to know where I can push a biped pose, whereas with drawing dogs I find I have to be more conservative and more true to the reference picture.

 Found a surprising amount of video reference of dogs walking on treadmills on youtube, which is great to have for this assignment. (Thank you lazy dog owners!). This week I'll be blocking out my 'vanilla' dog walk. Don't let all this planning fool you though. I still have no idea what I'm doing.

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