Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week 3 - Arcs & Path of Action

Not perfect (it never is), but here is the polished vanilla walk (with a dash of sass). Tried to touch up on it as much as possible before my brain shut down. I can see the head needs more overlap as it is relatively still and the feet could be a tad snappier on full contact. Spacing on the leg swing also needs work.

Vanilla Walk Final hiRes from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.

More action poses for this week, RUNNING with the theme of sprinters and PITCHING the idea of baseball players. I didn't see it initially but my mentor pointed out the baseball pitcher pose is pretty broken. The shoulder is stuffed and her neck doesn't follow the path of her chest. There also isn't enough curvature in her spine. So what I thought was a cool pose turned out to be pretty mediocre apparently!

Next 4 weeks we'll be animating a dog walk!

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