Dog walk turned out way better than I thought it ever would. It's a little hard to look back and even fathom how it got to it's current iteration. Tackling a 4 legged walk just seemed ridiculous, so it is a bit of a morale boost that it turned out the way it did. Not perfect - never perfect, but pleased nonetheless.
Next up is the final assignment which is basically us working on a physicality shot of our choosing over the next 4 weeks. Being a games man I've gone for a fairly video gamey type shot, with Stella taking cover behind a wall, peeking over, reacting from a stray shot before diving over to an opposite piece of cover. Here's the planning:
I sketched this based off video reference I took which I won't upload now.
And here's my blocking so far that barely resembles the above planning:
Physicality Blocking 001 from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.
The remaining weeks will simply be iterations of the above shot, so content might be sparse. I'll try find some other neat things/writing pieces to update with for any loyal readers out there :)
Physicality Blocking 001 from Aaron Skinner on Vimeo.
The remaining weeks will simply be iterations of the above shot, so content might be sparse. I'll try find some other neat things/writing pieces to update with for any loyal readers out there :)
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